Yarn Weave Home Decor



Have you fallen in love with beautiful weaves? 

We have! They add such a cozy, warm feeling to your space. We started making yarn weaves as a part of our home decor collection but want to show you how you can make your own!

Weave board OR nails & wood
3 or more different colors and thicknesses of yarn
Larger needle


1. Create your board for weaving
You can buy them just about anywhere online or at craft stores. We made our own using an old wooden cabinet and some nails. Nail about every ½ inch at the bottom and top of your board.


2. Pick out a thinner yarn to start
You will tie your yarn on top the first nail (top or bottom line, doesn’t matter). Zig zag your yarn up, down and around each nail.


3. Leave space for you rod
Leave at least 3 inches at the top for your rod of choice. I like to use sticks & old branches I find outside.

4. Large Needle
Once you have zig zagged your yarn around all your nails (placeholders) you can pick out your first color & thickness of yarn you want to start with. Tie the end onto your large needle (light but snug). There are many, many designs you can do for weaving. Let’s start with the basic and when you are ready for more- hit up YouTube :)


5. Start Weaving
We are going to start basic. So now that your yarn is tied onto your large needle, you will start doing an over under motion through all your strands of thin yarn across and back, over & over until you are pleased with the outcome.


6. Continue weaving
Weave as you please with each different yarn. You can switch yarns but simply un tying you light but snug knot and replacing it with a new yarn. Be sure to tie off your yarn onto your thin yarn or on top another yarn as you go so you do not lose all your hard work.

7. Leave Space
Be sure you are leaving space! If you think you haven’t left enough, use your ruler to tighten your weaving. Leave about 2 inches the the bottom so you have room to slide off your thin yarn from your placeholders.


8. Add Fringe
You can add fringe just about anywhere you wish. I like to add it to the bottom first and then move to the weaved area. To add fringe to the bottom you will need to unhook your thin yarn from your nail placeholders. Pick the yarn you want for you fringe. Decide on the length and double it. Loop your fringe yarn around the loops from your placeholders. Once you have all of your fringe looped on you will not cut the ends of your loop creating your fringe look!


9. Add details
THis is now where you can go back to add any fringe into your weave or other fun details. To add fringe into your weave just pick an area you feel it will look best. Decide on the length on your fringe, double it and cut one end so you have one long strand of yarn. Fold your fold in half and loop it around the thin yarn you created your weave with. Pull the ends around, up and through to create your fringe. Repeat this over and over until you have the fringe you had visioned.


10. Rod Placement
Yes, I choose the word rod because I know some people will find it funny. Besides that, once you have all happy and giddy with your weave outcome you will need to slide off the top loops from your nail placeholders. When You slide them off, you will slide them right onto the rod you have chosen. Tie a strand of yarn to the ends of the rod for hanging.


Hand your weave up, ship it off to a friend, take photos for use to see, blog about it, do whatever you want with it!

What did you decide to do with your weave?

We loved making this so much that rug making might be in the making here soon for us.

P.S. Our website is down at the moment! Tear, I know. IndieMade has told use that they are working on it so hopefully it will be resolved and up & running here soon!

Much Love,

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Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs