Super Cute DIY Bow Tie Shirt


Do you have an old t-shirt, sweat shirt, off the shoulder shirt or even a t-shirt dress that you don't wear because of simple wear and Tare? Well let's turn it into a cute bow tie shirt now shall we.

Old clothing 
Random pieces of fabric
Fabric glue or sewing tools
Creatively or ability to follow my visuals :) 

For some reason I just haven't been able to toss this old gray shirt...& I am so glad I didn't! To start I just layed everything out on a table.
You are going to want to draw a line down the center of the back of your clothing. I used white chalk and eyeballed the center...not one for measuring but if you are go for it! 

Once it is cut you can do your bow ties! I went through my random collection of fabric and found ones that sort of went together. I eyeballed the size I wanted here too. I had left over mustard yellow felt that I cut into tiny ribbon like pieces and wrapped the bow ties using a pin to hold them. 
  Not that they are all pinned...
I placed them onto my shirt to figure out the spacing there 
At my cut line down the center of the back of my shirt I folded the fabric in/under. I wanted to do this without setting up my sewing machine or having to hand stitch anything so I used fabric glue to hold the folds, bow ties, ribbon wrap and well everything I did here. 
Now that the bow ties and folds are glued go back and double check areas that may need some glue touch ups

*while you are gluing you might want to have a divider in between the front & back of your shirt so the glue doesn't seep through and adhere to he other side (or your fingers)!! :) yes, I learned the hard way. One of those things I knew I should do but didn't based off I was only 1 coffee down at least point in the am. 

So now that everything should be glued together, hang it up with the divider in between- get crafty with keeping the divider in place. Punch a hole, pin it tape it... Just keep it there for the sneaky glue that isn't dry yet to keep it from ruining your cute masterpiece of a bow tie shirt! 

I found my inspiration for this DIY project via the wonderful Pinterest of course. Here was what made me want to make one of my own: 

And this is how mine turned out. 

Next time I will just whip out my sewing machine.....

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Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs