Meet Amanda

Oh, Hello! 

That is my husband, Ryan & I am the one cheesing hard core, Amanda Adams. 

I am a small business owner, DIYer, gluten/ dairy free/meet free food lover, 
traveler, I drink coffee still I get shaky & lastly a blogger.
I was a Pre-K Teacher & loved being one, still do but with some 
big life changes, I hung on tight and went for it. In June 2015 I opened up my 
own small online shop where I make handmade trendy accessories, TOM & Orrow.
I have a blog on my shop site that covers fashions, trends, and those things. 
This blog focuses more on personal life, travels, food and all the other little 
things that make us happy in life. 

This is Ryan, my logical, matter of fact, numbered orientate husband.
Our paths are complete opposites but the end vision is the exact same.
In other words,
he keeps me from causing us to go bankrupt or
spontaneously move to Africa to build a school.

This is my family
Our wedding day
Starting from the left: Harriet (step-grandmother), Kristina (step-sister), 
Joe (step dad), Joeli (sister), Liz (mom), me, Ryan (husband), 
upfront- Ellie (sister), 
Joey (brother), nest to Ryan- Timmy (brother) 
Bernice aka Nana & Tori (Timmy's fiance)

breath taking view in North Carolina during Thanksgiving 2013

This is the Adams Family
Starting from the left:
Me, Ryan, Aly (Shawn's wife), Calvin ( our nephew), Shawn( Ryan's brother), 
Kelli ( Ryan's mom), Tom (Ryan's father), Kip (Ryan's brother), he is holding 
Bentleigh (our niece), Kasey (Kip's wife) is holding Broderick (nephew) 

This is Wendy & my Poppy.

Us cutting our delicious Great American Cookie double decker cookie cake-
so glad I didn't know I had Celiac at this point, would have been a sad, sad day....

& this is the Garofalo side of my family....
Timmy( my brother), Uncle Harold, Aunt Barbra, Catherine (my dad's fiance), 
my grandma Karen, my Dad-Lou, me & Ryan, Aunt Michelle, 
my great grandma Mary up front next to Grayson and Bob is behind him 
(my Grandma Karen's boyfriend) and 
behind my great grandmother is her son, my grandpa Lou.

Well, know that you more than you need to, 
I hope you stick around and enjoy the blog. 

Enjoy the little bits of happiness & the things that bring them to you. 

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs