Living in Boston on One Boston Day was an eye opener. We always notice the bad things that people do but One Boston Day brought out a lot of good in people.
The city was flooded with blue & yellow Boston Strong gear.
So since the declared it a day of random kindness I wanted to participate.
I have no clue if anyone liked these, took any or well....anything about how they went over but I did a few watercolor paintings that read Boston Strong. I placed them at Alewife station for people to grab and just said that if you take one to pass on the kindness.
Later that day I had to take off to my yoga shift....
I was wearing my " Okay, but first coffee" shirt, converse, clack leggings & a jean button up shirt
Start Up Time
So as some of you know...I have a new job!!! I am super excited about it.
I am a product developer with Launch for Jewelry Design & Wine....take note because they are going to be everywhere- you'll see. The best part is, it is such a fun, creative night out.
since I have started I have spent pretty much most of my time working...but I love it. There is so much to do, so much I can do * so much to figure out that half the time I look up and it is 4pm!
Passion is the difference between having a job and a career
Choose a job you love & you'll never work a day in your life - Confucius
Biking into Boston
Looks beautiful, right?
right- LOOKS is the key word here....I were ripped dark green jeans, a tank tops w a long sleeve shirt over it & my converse.
I was so cold Ryan gave me his flannel for most of our adventure & since we biked in we made a pit stop at TJMAXX where I bought a cute workout hoodie for $20.00!

We love Boston incase you were wondering.
Here is a view of when we finally made it down to the river looking over at downtown Boston.
Biking in the wind & having no clue where you are going was a sure adventure! We can cross that off the list....
yes, yes this is what you think it is.
While we were walking through the Boston Common we ran into this little creature who was rather too friendly....a guy was feeding him right out of his hand & probably food that he shouldn't be & isn't use to eating but that is another story....
Quick Selfie
Ryan take a picture....I never said smile so this is what we left with....
Thank babe.
Another view of the Common
The main reason we did this bike ride was to get outside & enjoy the "nice" on the way to see the marathon finish line.
It was a bit chilling to see it all set up. This was one of the first places we meet up with an old friend of mine for dinner. We walked these roads multiple times not knowing that this is where such tradgety had happened. I guess we were naive. When we noticed that we stood & have walked this area multiple times a heavy feeling overcame us.
Well, to end this on a happy note- the people of Boston are amazing, Boston is amazing & if you have not had a chance to experience Boston- do it!
Boston has brought us so many opportunities that it is hard to keep track them all. From the little things to big career opportunities- Thank you Boston!