During our visit to Vienna in March of 2014, Ryan & I decided to walk many, many miles to see the oldest ferris wheel. Upon our arrival to Prater we walked across a beautiful long road...it was like straight out of the movies! To be honest, Prater Amusement Park was super creepy....no one was there but there was music playing...the creepy kind of music. Needless to say we didn't stay long. We took a few photos of the Riesenrad and went on our way to our LONG walk back to our hotel.
The creepy visit inspired me to create this pieces of art. Ryan thought of the idea to go off of the ferris wheel and I went from there. Brainstorming various animals that would work well with the curvature of a giant wheel. This is what I came up with.
Sketching process
Sneak peak photo...I blurred it a bit so I didn't completely give all the details away.
This ferris wheel cabin was drawn based off a direct image of the original cabins of the Riesenrad.
& once the watercolor was well in the process, it started coming together.
A close up of the wheel before the wire detail....
& after the wire detail was complete. I, we, used small nails to hold the wire in place. Ryan asked me to wait to do this until he came home from work....I should have know that he really meant, You will not do it how I picture so I shall take it over and do it the correct way....I am pretty sure that was his actually thought process. He did do it better than I so I will give that to him- Dang it!
I am super happy wit the final product! I think that this piece perfectly express how uncommon my work truly is. The wood used in this piece was an old (very old) cabinet from a lake cabin in northern Minnesota. The original hardware is till in place and might even be used to hang it! I will see what I can do to make that happen.
Hope you enjoy it! I always love to hear your ideas for new work & thoughts on my current work. Don't be shy- leave a comment! You never know, you might be the one who inspires me and helps me become the artist I one day want to be!
Stay warm if you are somewhere cold and send warmth if you are somewhere warm.
Happy Thursday!
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