Procrastination at it finest!


I got a new tattoo on Monday!! You wouldn't believe how much you actually use/touch this area! Heeling process been fun so far....

So today as you all know is indeed Thursday which means I was suppose to have blogged this morning....I learned today that I am a super duper at procrastination! Instead of blogging: made 3 cups of coffee with our new machine that was suppose to help me drink less! I made bars out of the left overs from our first juicing experiment last night....they aren't too bad actually! I mixed the left peelings from the juicing with honey, gluten free oats, almond butter, flax seeds and cacao nibs and baked it for about 50mins at 350...packed full of fiber! Here is the link i used for the fiber bars: Protein Fiber bars using leftovers from juicing

I also re arranged my craft area, took photos of paintings I have also been procrastinating on doing and now am blogging (finally)! Oh, I also dyed my hair...have not dried it yet so I don't know how it turned out....

Yesterday we did our first Juice and we loved it! We used 6 carrots, 1 lemon, 1apple, 2 stalks of broccoli and 1 pear. I am so excited to start doing this more often. Aly and Shawn ( 1 of Ryan's brothers and his wife) had bought the juicer and have not used it all that much so they gave it to us and besides it making a complete mess of our kitchen, we LOVE it! I will be heading to the store later today to pick up some ingredients to make some juices for the upcoming days- I have started a Pinterest boards of juices and have found soo many good recipes that I am excited to try and tell you about! One helpful site I have found is: Blender Girl Also here is the link to my Pinterest Juicing Board Juice Recipes

I will be posting new paintings to my Etsy site today! You can take a look here at TheScribbledLink

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