The burning has stopped!


Good morning beautiful people!
Last picture of me with my glasses!! I don't take photos well...always do something dumb. 

Yesterday I had my LASIK surgery done.... Lets just say that it was a very interesting experience & now I CAN SEE!!! I had my procedure done at Whiting Clinic  by Dr. Whiting. They are very welcoming there. Immediately making you feel welcomed, explaining everything that is happening and why along  with offering of beverages and they have this intense coffee/drink maker. Ryan was able to be there with me the entire time besides a few minutes before, during and a few minutes after my procedure. The produce took less than 7 minutes total (from getting me all ready to sitting me up). Once Dr. Whiting took a quick look at my eyes I was given these spiffy black shades to wear home along with when I sleep for the next week...

I was not nervous for the procedure but for what I was going to experience afterwards. For me, the worst part of the LASIK surgery was when they put the silver clamp down on your eye....everything else that happens you can not feel, it is just super bright. As I arrived home I immediately laid down to try and sleep before the only part that I was scared/nervous about kicked in....the burning! (I absolutely hate when my eyes burn)....Even with me taking the sedative they offer and two of my own the burning hit me hard and would wake me up. I would jerk awake from the burning sensation and was also extremely itchy! I am assuming the itchy part may be from me being warm and the medicine as I never take any form of medicines. Around 9:30 Ryan got me from the couch to the bed, I put the first dose of my 3 times of eye drops in put my spiffy black shades back on and slept great!

I can see now with a bit of a blur here and there. My check up is this morning so we will see if everything is healing well...most of the healing happens within 20 hours of your procedure. I am not looking forward to having to go outside though...too bad thy can't come here! It is -15 here today aka HELL! I want to be warm, in the sun with no wind!
Very deceiving out is -15 sunny winter days worry me-sad:( 

TheScribbledLink has not been forgotten either. I will be posting my newest abstract mountain painting and hopefully get the chance to stitch some of my new fun fabrics together so I can post scarfs as well. You can click here to see the newest mountain painting: Abstract Tribal Mountains
This is not the finish product, please click the link to see the final and completed painting. 

Happy Thursday Everyone! Stay warm if you are somewhere like me in the frigid cold and if you are someone warm- share please.



Just a quick stop for some more listen free vegan makeup ....that I love!! 

So yesterday was Thursday.... & I did not post anything! Fail! Honestly didn't even cross my mind. I was not feeling the greatest yesterday and barely moved or did anything unless it was within my reach. That is no excuse but that is what happened yesterday. I did have my fabric within my reach and finish a pink and white fleece with black and silver trim scarf though! It will get posted this weekend and I should have at least three more by then! I have a lot of new fun fleece fabric designs that I am super excited about! Everything from Valentines Day & Army wear to Star Wars lovers! Here is a sneak peek!

Here is another sneak peek at my abstract mountain painting I amsurrently working on....any tips or ideas for this one? 

Oh! Ryan will love this....Ryan started a new position at work an is loving it. It means super early mornings but it's okay more coffee for me :) he has been sneaking taking pictures of me on my first days so I did the same 

Except he caught me! Fail! 

I have been eating more raw lately and feel freaking fantastic! It is amazing what a simple change can do. I am not completely vegan (but I am 100%gluten free) I don't need to be something- I have created my own way of eating that works for me and am so thrilled that I have figured out a way to eat, enjoy food and not be in pain plus feel like a champ! Screw the scale feeling great makes up for everything! Please contact me if you have any questions or interests in changing you lifestyle and the way you eat. A few very simple changes makes a world of a difference starting with your state of mind! 

 Have a great Friday and Weekend Everyone!

Experience every single moment- make them memorable! 

Procrastination at it finest!


I got a new tattoo on Monday!! You wouldn't believe how much you actually use/touch this area! Heeling process been fun so far....

So today as you all know is indeed Thursday which means I was suppose to have blogged this morning....I learned today that I am a super duper at procrastination! Instead of blogging: made 3 cups of coffee with our new machine that was suppose to help me drink less! I made bars out of the left overs from our first juicing experiment last night....they aren't too bad actually! I mixed the left peelings from the juicing with honey, gluten free oats, almond butter, flax seeds and cacao nibs and baked it for about 50mins at 350...packed full of fiber! Here is the link i used for the fiber bars: Protein Fiber bars using leftovers from juicing

I also re arranged my craft area, took photos of paintings I have also been procrastinating on doing and now am blogging (finally)! Oh, I also dyed my hair...have not dried it yet so I don't know how it turned out....

Yesterday we did our first Juice and we loved it! We used 6 carrots, 1 lemon, 1apple, 2 stalks of broccoli and 1 pear. I am so excited to start doing this more often. Aly and Shawn ( 1 of Ryan's brothers and his wife) had bought the juicer and have not used it all that much so they gave it to us and besides it making a complete mess of our kitchen, we LOVE it! I will be heading to the store later today to pick up some ingredients to make some juices for the upcoming days- I have started a Pinterest boards of juices and have found soo many good recipes that I am excited to try and tell you about! One helpful site I have found is: Blender Girl Also here is the link to my Pinterest Juicing Board Juice Recipes

I will be posting new paintings to my Etsy site today! You can take a look here at TheScribbledLink

Surprises & TheScribbledLink


Stashabit is now TheScribbledLink 

Been terrible at blogging, my Etsy business and using my creativity to its max...good thing I decided to stop just talking and thinking about it and get to work! Today is a new day
(a new beyond freezing day where I am, but still new!)

Keep reading to see what I have been up to

Side note quick:
My 24th birthday was the other day, December 26 and my husband and best friends pulled it together to totally surprise me!!! Ryan had me get a massage and a manicure on my birthday and told me we were doing something else later after he got home from work. He wouldn't tell me anything!!! When he got home he told me to pack that we needed to get on the I immediately asked what I need to bring? Contacts? Warm or cold clothes? Are we driving or Flying? He told me just to pack anything in one small bag...ha great! So I started and he said our friend tyler was dropping something off for me and seconds later the door bell rang. Since I was pacing I thought he would go open it but nope he stood there looking at his phone so of course I insistently got annoyed and walked to open the door and that is when I heard the S&M song playing (long story but that our BFF song) and basically tossed myself out the door at them! To cut to the case, they all had this planned for a while and we had a blast! They were here for a few days and lucked out with us having off of work and it actually being tolerable outside ...
Best Birthday Surprise I could have even hoped for!!
So I have really sucked it up at this blogger thing but hey today is a new day and I am here now! Every Thursday I will be writing a new post. The posts may vary from thoughts and ideas for TheScribbledLink to photos for followers, family and friends.

I have changed the name of my Etsy shop to TheScribbledLink. I have new business stamps and a new and improved logo:

This is a stamp I had created by Creatiate, a shop on Etsy 

They also created these two for me as I could do things like below without having to draw an elephant each time :) 

This was the original piece I did which lead to the stamps being created

I have revamped my shop to focusing more in one direction rather than the randomness I have had since I started. I am making fleece scarfs that are all hand stitched with yarn and one of a kind. I have decided to not post jewelry online due to it does better in person. I will continue to make it and sell it locally and will gladly do custom orders on pieces if asked. Paintings are still being done on wood but will each have some crazy detailed pattern and detailed with markers. Here are some examples of what I mean:

Well that is all for today! I don't want to bored you or tell you everything in one post. Keep an eye out for next Thursday and some new paintings on TheScribbledLink today! 

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs