Marriage is Like a Bike


My husband, Ryan, always says you can't have your cake & eat it to....I know many other people say this as well but he says it because I have thousands of ideas that I typically think of, tell him & want to do ASAP. 

Well, I want to let you know you can totally have your cake & eat it too. 
You know how, BALANCE! 
Balance is the key to life & marriage (thanks Kelli ;) 

Marriage is a path that is extremely hilly & slippery! 
Sometimes the ride is hard, exhausting and slow. 
Other times the ride is so damn fast you should probably 
slow down! Oh, & safety- don't forget about safety! 
Protection is super important in a marriage. No no, not 
like gutter minds. Protecting each other- say what you mean, 
how you feel when you feel but stop and frigging think about 
what you are about to say! Some times it is better for 
you to just keep your mouth zipped, other times- 
speak up damnit! Supporting each other through 
even there worse ideas (sometimes) helps. Use your 
brain on this one people. Next, you know when you are 
riding a bike and you have to use your ears to listen so 
you don't get hit by a car? Yeah, apply that to your marriage. LISTEN to the other one when they talk- even if you 
give two shits about what they are saying! It will keep 
you from getting hit by a car later when you are asked 
about that conversation or when you forget to do something because you weren't really listening. 
(If you are wondering, this is typically me. I totally
 zoned out and my mind wonders with ideas-half the 
time I have no frigging clue what Ryan is talking about 
but I started listening and learning all his engineer terms 
so I could actually be involved and provide more 
feedback than "yeah", "hmmumh".) Next up, the pedals, 
chain, and air in your tires...those are all the little things 
in you bike that keep things moving along. 
The little things in marriage are also what keep things 
moving along. Women love this shit! Men typically 
don't realize all the little things women do. Yes, cleaning 
up after you counts (hair in the sink.) The things that we 
spend hours on Pinterest finding just the right recipe 
or cute DIY for the spouse. Little things piled up 
create something HUGE! Last, remember when 
I said balance was the key to life & marriage? 
You can't ride you bike if you don't have balance 
& you sure as hell can not ride it with no balance 
up and down a slippery hill!! 

We don't have a picture perfect marriage. 
We didn't take the "typical" marriage path but 
did create our own & our path is frigging fun! 
When we first met, we both had said we weren't 
looking for a relationship...I mean, I was in Fargo, ND 
visiting friends! Last thing I every expected was to 
find someone I would fall head over heels for 
(which I totally did- googly eye and all) For being 
so creepily alike (it is actually chills creepy sometimes) 
we think completely different! Ryan is as logically as 
you can get, and I am like let's just be happy and drink 
coffee all day- we will be fine. In reality, no we wouldn't 
but we also wouldn't have too much fun if we were always logically. We balance each other out to where we have fun 
& enjoy life without crashing our bikes. 

Tip: Women are crazy like 97% of the time. Our minds 
function in a very strange way that even we don't understand. 
Don' let us be hungry either, that is a bad mistake. 
Life will be way more fun if you hop on for the ride 
rather than try and figure out how we think because 
that is a trick and you will crash and fail. :) 

We have talked about so many outcomes of our life, so 
far not one things has panned out like we discussed 
besides doing our best to make each other happy. 
Life is going to hit you with some hard bumps and 
will have rough SHARP turns. Hang on and ride with it. 
As long as you now that your plan will most likely not 
goes as plan you will do this marriage thing just fine. 
Plan for the unexpected by knowing that change happens, 
life is challenging but you have someone to do it with 
and to help you take those uncomfortable rough & sharp 
turn with out. 

TODAY ONLY you an find a code for a discount in the 
spirit of our anniversary. Just head over to my shop blog 
to get the code and shop away! 

Thank you to everyone that has provided us with love and 
support throughout our adventure together. 

I love you Ryan, you oh so strange yet wonderful man! 

Here is a good laugh from my mother:) 


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